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Welcome To The Dade County Missouri History Homepage - Something special is coming!

I have something special comming soon.  Shortly before the arson fire that wiped out most of historical downtown Everton several years ago, I visited and photographed the facades fo those buildings.  I will be uploading those as time allows in the coming weeks!  


The purpose of this page is to hightlight the people and history of Dade County, Missouri. You will learn about the history of the area and the people who made that history.

Much emphasis now rest on the places more than the people, yet, I know that people are what make the places what they are.

As I look at the history of this county I realize how important local history is and am doing all I can to preserve the past of Dade County, Missouri.

Enjoy your time portal to the past of Dade County, Missouri.

Thank you to the 200,000+ visitors to this page!

 I have another page on FB called Dade County Missouri Historical Photo Collection.  Please visit to see pictures contributed by others.  If you have photos to contribute please message me there so we can get things going for you.


Vintage Views of Lockwood, Missouri

The above photos are taken from a folder of postcards mailed from Lockwood, Missouri November 21, 1911 to Mabel Jones in Phillips County, Kansas.

To view the pictures individually visit the old photos page!!

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1880's Cabinet Photo, Who is Dick Merrill?

Maybe a better question is, How are these gentlemen connected to Dick Merrill.  Dick Merrill's name is written on the back in pencil (?).  I checked the 1880 Federal Census for Dade County and find Dick Merrill at the ripe old age of 9.

The information reads:

1880 Federal Census, Dade County, Missouri,Center Township, Dwelling 51:

MERRILL, Harry 44 *# NY ?? VT

Harriet B. 24 w MO TN VT

Richard H. 9 son MO NY MO

John 6 son MO NY MO

Annie 4 dau MO NY MO

CLEAVLAND, Bell 18 #*# ?? ?? ??

#* attorney

#*# cook

(Transcribed and Published by the Dade County Missouri Historical Soceity, April 1975, p. 61)


They are the only Merrill's listed. The photo was taken at Stephenson's Photo Studio in Greenfield.


If you have any information about this photo or these men let me know.  Also, the seller of the card stated in the description that is is an 1880's photo but I still need to research Stephenson's Photo Studio to see when they were in business.

I would like to dedicate this web site to my brother, James.

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